Related media content
Fun article by Ryan Roossinck on some of Chuck's great stories of John Deere and more
Los Angeles, California - July 1954
March 1968
NZ Herald - Unknown
Unknown - December 1961
March 1962
February 1962
August 1962
July 1962
May 1962
February 1962
Unknown - Unknown
Auto Aficienado - Unknown
Car Styling - Unknown
Advertisement - Unknown
Rod & Custom - June 1958
ErgoDental Advertisement
Rod & Custom - April 1959
Interiors - September 1986
Rod & Custom - Unknown
Vintage Motorsport - March/April 1993
Rod & Custom - December 1961
Rod & Custom - November 1961
Rod & Custom - June 1959
Unknown - Unknown
Unknown - Unknown
Urbis - Unknown
Urbis - Unknown
Unknown - February 1961
Toronto Star - Unknown
Articles, Speeches Reports
and Covers
Throughout Chuck Pelly's career there have been countless articles and interviews. Here is a selection of this media coverage. If you have knowledge of other articles then please send us a message.